Component Search

Our on-line parts database is designed to help you easily locate any service part you may require for your Yorkville Sound product (including Traynor Amplifier and Cabinets, Stands & Accessories, Apex Microphones & Headphones and ART branded products).

To search for your part, enter the product code (ex. YX10), and a list of related products will appear. Select specific product to open a complete list of available related parts.

All prices are Manufacturer's Suggested List Prices (MSRP). As we do not sell parts or products directly to the general public, please contact your local Yorkville dealer or certified repair depot to purchase. Authorized service depots please contact the Yorkville distributor in your territory. All prices, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice.

If you want to search by part number, please use the Parts Search tool.

Product Part Number Description Price (CDN)